
Friday, February 26, 2010

Now what?

Well, now I have to blog.

Okay, so I want to blog. I have missed blogging. But I just haven't been consistent in the past year. And that is why I have to blog.

Over the past 6-7 months I have been working with members of our staff at work to build and maintain blogs. It started off with the campus pastor for our new campus in a nearby town. Then I set up a blog for our senior pastor.

We are currently in the process of changing our church culture to a blogging church. I could go into my "philosophy" if you are really interested, but just know that now we have 10 active blogs (please don't judge this landing page, it is not publicized, but I had to put something there just in case), with a couple more left to launch. A couple more to transfer.

This explosion of blogs has created bloggers who never expected to be bloggers. Being the most "knowledgeable" about blog, I've started to train and educate them. It really started this week with "Blogging 101." I preach Frequency, Frequency, FREQUENCY!

And now I have to blog. How can I not practice what I preach? In all honesty, I don't have any guilt; I'd call it conviction. I am passionate about blogging and the possibilities that it holds. I have always wanted something big from blogging. Now I am seeing that happen with blogs at work. And wonder, "Why can't I carry that momentum over to my personal blog?"

Well, I can. I will. Hold me accountable, those of you who are still reading. That I haven't alienated by my flighty blogging. That somehow think I have anything interesting to say. More to come on that later...


Jon Lloyd said...

Don't worry, I'll hold you accountable.. :)

Diana said...

I'm still reading...keep it coming!

Sabrina said...

I read your blog, and I love how you write. Keep blogging! :)

Tina said...

welcome back, i've missed you. being that i'm here with the kiddos all day, i love reading about your adventures! it lets me escape. love your pictures too!

Patti said...

Thanks for your encouraging words!

JessicaAnderson42 said...

Welcome back, Patti! I've been checking this often, and am very excited to read your posts again!